I am rapidly vacillating between "18 days is no time at all!" and "18 days is FOREVER!" I think it's probably the former, but I'm having a hard time convincing myself of that.
I posted a bunch of sickeningly adorable photos from Tony's visit to facebook. My aunt sent me a message suggesting that these would be "too much" for my dad. He had already seen them and said, "glad to know you've got the spring back in your step!" (I had had a cold and been dragging my feet). I think what my aunt must have meant was, "goodness, you have posted pictures of yourself kissing your boyfriend. I am slightly shocked but do not feel like I have a right to tell you not to do this. Therefore."
The problems of family on facebook. Sigh. I have gone in and redone all my privacy settings, so I am ony available to friends, basically, after reading
swan_tower 's entry about why she was deleting her facebook page.
It was a lovely visit. It was the best visit that has ever been visited upon me.
Currently listening to an interview with the Pinis... I should be studying, but I bet I'm about to go read some EQ...
In addition: I wonder if someone will come up with a name for what they're calling "the Avatar Blues." Because it happens with more things than just Avatar...