On Neptune!

Sep 17, 2023 14:14

So! On September 3RD I adopted a little girl named Neptune. I actually saw her back in July as a Yarmouth SPCA adoptable (she stuck with me because her and her sisters had really long tails), but on the week of August 26TH she and her remaining sister were moved to Kings County SPCA. I met her that Friday, slept on it, borrowed money (I only had partial saved from the failed Sparrow adoption), and went Sunday morning to collect her. When I met her Friday we just clicked. It was like when I met Nicolas that I was like "I guess you're my cat now".

Nicolas was fine with her mostly by the 3RD day (I kept Neptune separated until Wednesday), and Lydia was much better than I expected (I worried she would attempt murder). Lydia was being really tsudere by rolling around on the other side of the door and talking to her and trying to reach under being all "I want to see the baby", but when she saw the baby would hiss. But last week her curiosity with the Neptune overruled her being pissed-off and she was mostly okay with her. The calming collar I ordered finally arrived Tuesday so that's helped I think too.

I am too lazy a lot of the time to type much so here is a video of me rambling about her;

image Click to view

{ https://youtu.be/F6e471vbCiM?si=248OIP6OMnc0O-zB }

And here is her kneading my bed ;~~~~~;

image Click to view

{ https://youtube.com/watch/km-sdA22fvk }

Her birthday is May 6TH, and she is from a litter of 5 bottle babies. The 3 sisters I saw for adoption were her, Saturn, and Jupiter.

I have laughed so much these past 2 weeks than I have in months. Minnow would have been disgusted though, probably expecting me to return her like she did with Nicki.

{ https://www.instagram.com/p/CwvNdqLuoL_/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== }


cat, cats

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