Firstly here is Lydia yawning (recorded with my RAZR):
As I mentioned before, I took my 3 brats out for little walks on Saturday.:
"Yesterday I took my 3 brats out for 10 minute walks. I had hoped for a repeat of last year's adorableness in the autumn leaves, but Minnow is the only one that briefly pounced on anything. I have 3 videos from it/them to upload to YouTube once they convert. I had a hard time getting them to even go out though D: Minnow got harnessed fine, but then ran up stairs and hid. Nicolas was freaked-out that he was going to the vets' again.--So I let him walk where he wanted instead of carrying him to the front lawn where the leaves are. Lydia thought that I wanted to play chase with her, and ran up-and-down the stairs and bounced all over the place not letting me catch her. However once all of them were outside, they were fine! Lydia is probably the vest to walk as she doesn't squirm if I have to pick her up."
3 videos of walking cats & me rambling:
Click to view
Click to view
Click to view
And yesterday (Monday) I took Minnow for a very small one, and Nicolas for an over an half hour one. I wasn't planning on, but my mom had just washed their sweaters, and I just put them on to see if they had shrunk any. Well Minnow ran right to the door & started meowing, so I had to take her out. But once outside she just sat on the stump of the old crab-apple tree & ate grass. It wasn't very cold out (though it looked like it would rain) so I was content to just sit or stand and let Nick do his own thing until it started getting dark.
The rest of the pictures & video can be found {
Here is a picture of a robin:
I love watching them hop all over our lawns, getting into scuffles, and looking at people like 'Whut?'. I know ours (Nova Scotia's) aren't robin-robins, but I think the North American robins have better eyeliner :P
I've also been doing that "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward" countdown thing I mentioned. I've just drawn Zero & Ace, but as long as I can keep calm and enjoying it, I should be fine. Today/Tomorrow is Snake, but I really am not looking forward to his intricate jacket. Why do you wear such a ridiculous to draw jacket, Snake?
I plan to make an entry with all 9 (maybe 10) drawings when I finish, but here:
Zero → { }
Ace → { }
My point is to get them done, so I'm just doing that cute style with flat colouring. I use Standard layers so the white cutout background isn't needed, but I think things 'pop' more/I like it. To colour Ace took me 1 hour, 40 minutes.