My Adam Lambert Experience

Oct 11, 2010 22:11


Thanks to Manila Concert Scene's promo, I was able to spend a good thirty seconds or so with Adam Lambert before he went out to do his show. It was by far the most beautiful and most touching moment of my life.

Silence is golden, you know.

Those of you who know me well are aware of how much I identify with Adam. Just like him, I was the overweight, strange kid when I was younger. I had to live through so many trying years of having to wear glasses, deal with acne and other insecurities--typical preteen problems, but I had a severe internal struggle with mine. Come high school, I ditched the glasses for contacts and struggled to reinvent myself. I didn't always do things the right way, though. When I was fifteen years old, I wouldn't eat anything beyond a meal a day; sometimes, I wouldn't eat at all. I felt that I had to drop all that extra weight because I was falling more and more in love with music, theater and the modeling world. I suffered from a severe identity crisis; I didn't know what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my life.

Adam drew me in with his good looks, charm, talent and fashion sense. But his insecurities stunned me; I was almost afraid to truly acknowledge how alike we were. Suddenly, he became my role model. Suddenly, he became such a big part of my world, and I loved him like no other.

To be able to meet him has always been one of the items on my bucket list. He is like a mentor of sorts for me; he radiates so much love and positive energy. All I really wanted to do was to thank him for everything and tell him I loved him. I felt that I owed him that much.

As soon as the first group finished their photo op and bade their goodbyes, I immediately chirped, "Hi, Adam!" because I'm a happy little pest like that. :P He grinned and said hi back, then our group posed for the meet and greet photo op. Most of the people I was with shook hands with him and immediately left, but I knew I couldn't leave things that way. I went up to him and asked in a small, shy voice if I could hug him. He looked down at me (yes, I'm a damned shrimp next to him), and the look in his eyes softened to this heart-wrenching extent that I can't even describe. He pulled me in and gave me a nice, big hug. I was actually a little scared because it was only by touching him that I realized how thin he was getting. I squeezed him really tight, then pulled back a little so I could look into his eyes. I gripped his forearms and said, "I idolize and love you so much." It was scary; I could feel my voice breaking and my eyes tearing up. He rubbed my arms comfortingly and said, "Thank you very much, darling." Those words meant the WORLD to me. He looked really touched and a little teary-eyed himself. We stood like that for a few seconds, smiling at each other with slightly watery eyes. The bouncer eventually broke us up, saying we had to go. I managed to choke out a "thank you" before heading for the exit; I was shaking like a leaf and ready to burst into tears any moment. We didn't need words; his eyes told me everything I needed to know.

Adam is such a decent, grateful, humble man. He radiates pure positive energy, which makes you want to wrap his aura around yourself like a security blanket. I feel so blessed to have been able to see him and speak with him. Thank you, Manila Concert Scene. Thank you, Blue Dream Entertainment.

Thank you, Adam Lambert. You are my blessed jewel. <3

meet and greet, adam lambert, glam nation tour

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