so ummmm...

Oct 26, 2005 19:57

"The Exterminator" Bwahahaha!  That was the funniest thing....well not ever, but since Luke said "The Rory tastes like My Little Pony" last night on Gilmore Girls.  I about died!   Was actually the most enjoyable VM this season. Its been a very good tv week thus far.
  • Veronica & Duncan were rather cute.  And had lots of chemistry. 
  • Duncan & Logan, also enjoyable.  Teddy Dunn actually did well tonight, probably the first time all season.
  • Poor Wallace.  I've not liked him as much this season but still feel very badly for him.
  • Jackie needs to go AWAY!  Cannot stand her, dislike her more each week. Though I can't decide if the Lilly thing was real or something she did.
  • If there was an explosion, as it seems there was, would there not be some sort of burn marks on the pavement?
  • I still want Lamb to win.  Not because I want Keith humiliated, but because I don't want him back in the bureaucratic structure with the strictures placed on him as sheriff.

That's it.  I'm not into doing much beyond watching this show.

And for tomorrow:
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dearest
Happy Birthday to you!

Diana I hope you have a wonderful day, filled with kiddos you love and Longhorn victories! :) I MISS YOU!!!


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