(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 22:29

Seriously, the moment you start working, even surfing the web at home is tiring. Gahhhh i'm totally drained every night! No energy at all! I get sleepy at 11 plus! Like the heck! That used to be my "afternoon" time!

Working sucks sucks sucks. The people there are nice but it's the job! SUCKS! With a capital S! So i shall have to suck it up for another 10 months or so b4 my contract ends. Ughhh! Give me frigging strength.

My manager Jenny....hmmm how shall i put my feelings about her. She's definitely competent in her job but...but...she's so...ugh! Sometimes the tone she uses is condesending which pisses me off. And today she was kinda bad mouthing another colleague of mine in front of me. And she says she LOVES admin job. That's why she's happy to do it everyday. Not the first time she mentioned this and i noe that to each his own but...i was seriously thinking are you kidding! I noe it's mean but...i've NEVER met anyone who likes admin job and to hear that she LOVES them...weirdo. Kekeke!

Totally bad morning today btw. It was rainy, the train wouldn't stop at amk due to some technical difficulties, which made me miss my shuttle bus, which made me take a cab to work, which cost me $24! Ugh!!!! Damn suai morning!

Hmmm other than the occasional meet up with frens(had a steamboat dinner with my sec peeps) and colleagues, i have basically no life. I LIVE for the weekends now. I miss my school days! I wanna study again! LOL!

Okay signing out. Another day of war tml. =_="


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