Cosfest Preparation!

Jul 05, 2008 22:48

Ahhhhh it's been a busy tiring week!! And i'm not just talking about work!

Okay work has been boring. Tedious, monotonous and downright confusing. But hopefully i'll pick up the skills quickly cos i realllly hate not knowing what i'm doing. LOL!

Let's see, i just wanna say i have a whole new respect for cosplayers because GETTING READY IS SERIOUSLY HARD WORK!!! It's not only a pain in the butt to FIND the damn materials you want, it's also tough on the wallet too(altho i already know it's expensive). Me and my frens were running all over the place to get our outfits ready!!!

Like last weekend, we went to the No.1 Costume place in Aliwal Street to look around. There were tons of stuff there but a lot of them were kinda eh....dirty looking. I dun wanna noe how many ppl have tried on the things there. But it was fun looking at the dramatic outfits they have. They have everything...from thai royalty to Indiana Jones. And we even went to Chinatown to look for cloths and props. We went to Spotlight, Far East Plaza, etc. I even went looking at smaller areas like Bedok and Bras Brasah. My god it was exhausting!!!!

Oh we did pop into the Anime and Toys convention as well. Would've been way more fun if we hadn't been jammed like sardines and smelling ppl's sweat. Ugh! Or were hit my baby strollers here and there. But i drooled at those talented ppl drawing on wacoms!

Okay my outfit isn't reallly what i wanted it to be but seeing as how this was realllly a last minute rush thing for us(we only started like 2 weeks ago), it can't be helped. I would've liked better shoes, a nice jacket, cooler pants etc. But gahhhh we really wanted to cosplay and EOY is too far away! Mebbe we'll try harder for EOY. :)

Hmmm i want to keep what we're cosplaying a secret til tml altho i guess i did give away some hints. Hehe! I'd just say it's not an anime or manga we're doing. Because those needed to be pretty accurate and we just didn't have the time to prepare. Sad to say i hope we won't be cosfucks or anything. *sweats*

And me and Sharene went clubbing last nite at Zouk because Carys's company is organizing something there so she got us free entry and drinks! Yeah! It was some dating games thing happening and it was quite interesting to see the ppl speed date. Erhhhh i'll just say that the guys all look pretty...interesting. *cough*

So we and Cary's frens played drinking games, danced and partied till like 3 plus in the morning. By the time i reach home and bathed it was past 4a.m. Gahhh that's why i'm so damn shag today. And we still had to meet up at another fren's place in Pasir Ris to do a full dress rehearsal for Cosfest. Guahahahaha it's tml! I'm excited yet nervous! It's gonna be the first cosplay event i participated in and i have no clue on posing. Like some characters can do the dramatic poses(think FF charas, narutos, bleach etc) and some can do the cool poses(too many stoic anime charas to name) so i have no idea man. Haha we'll just have to try our best!

AHhhhahahaha tml!! I pray for no rain, cool weather, and not TOO many kids running around the place! Yeah!

clubbing, cosfest

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