Okay this is a message to
sarahcoldheart or anyone else who could give me some advice.
I'm wondering if you know where i could possibly get a top hat? Or would your friend who cosplayed as Willy Wonka know? I just need a top hat thingy for one day(I just miiight be cos-ing! Woot!) and i found one in Far East Plaza which cost like $35 but is abit heavy and only comes in one size. So i'm now searching for other alternatives.
If i could rent it or something it would be great too! Or even better if there are cheaper stuff available in places like Chinatown? Gahhh i'm such a newbie so please bestow upon me your cos-ing tips!
Erm...please don't ask me to make one cos i SUCK at crafts like that. Seriously i'd probably glue the thing to my head instead. >__<"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!