Don't judge when you're not the one in the situation

Dec 26, 2007 23:40

Omg i wasn't expecting to experience a wee bit emotional stream today. Note i said stream cos it was reallly minor but it happened nonetheless.

I tendered my one month notice to my MD today. I told him i really didn't like the job and that i was really miserable there and you know what, he didn't seem to mind(ok might be too early to say just yet...choi choi). He just ask me what's my reasons and then even made a few light-hearted comments that he also didn't like working there and he wants to return to Japan really badly. You can tell he wasn't joking.

No, what got me today was when i called my agency(where Li works) and told them abt this, the other agent Fiona kept trying to convince me to stay. Like i couldn't see thru the pounds of flattery and "persuasion" she piled on me. She even tried pulling some psychology crap on me.

Then she said something that made me just a teensy bit ticked off, altho i felt it wasn't that big of a deal. She said that i was being silly to skip out when there was just another month left. I didn't comment much on her opinion but something really triggered and snapped when she handed the phone to Li and she told me that i was being silly as well.

I did shed a couple of tears at that. Not bawling or sobbing, goodness no. But just a few drops that had to escape. I was like wtf, you guys are judging me? I'm your fren, i'm giving the required one month notice and you are judging me? Like i dun get enuf of that shit from my parents and my sis already? Like i didn't consider all the options first?

Oh yeah it's easy to just say Feb is a short month, with CNY and all, and blah blah blah. Yeah a month is a short time if you just see it on paper like that. It's a whole new different playing field when you have to go thru it day-by-day. Then they have to use that age old line: "But every job will def have its difficulties...yada yada..."

I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm just saying that, for a job that basically left me with no one to guide me, had me covering a huge range of things in which they didn't have time to train me even remontely adequately, a job which is not of my chosen career path or even have even the slightest ounce of interest's a frigging miracle that i even stayed as long as i did. I really really hated it when they judge me and try to be abit nasty cos i'm making it abit difficult for them(cos they have to find a replacement).

Luckily, thanks to a phone call to Nad, who was an angel cos she just managed to calm me down and told me in the most diplomatic way that agents can be evil conniving bitches(hehe) and that i shouldn't give a rat's ass abt their opinions. I was out in the hallway for a good half hour at least talking to the agents and then trying to get a grip on myself.

Then thanks to Carys cos i called her to tok as she is sorta in the same boat as me(got a crappy contract job and quit before the term ended) so she understands that sometimes, it's not abt bailing out.

I'm now in a 'whatever' mood. People can think what they want, judge what they like(a few more wouldn't make that much of a difference) and i should just concentrate on doing what i noe and finding another job.

Bleh! What could've been a positive day(i was so happy talking abt quitting when i was out with Lian...hehe...happy just THINKING of quitting) had turned slightly sour cos of some idiots. *rants*


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