MLM scams!! Beware!!!!!!!!

Aug 21, 2007 20:26

Ahhh i'm so lazy to post this but, what the heck i'll just wing it.

1) I found out that 2 of the job interviews (actually 3 cos i went for the second interview at Dreamworks Advertising) were MLM(Multi-level Marketing) jobs. I came back, relate the details to my parents, sis, japanese class, and my uni frens and they all said it was MLM. These kinda jobs are based alot on commission and they make you do alot of sales via roadshows or door-to-door. I shudder to think that i study so much just to do door-to-door. It's a pity that i've already wasted 2 days for the Dreamworks but luckily i didn't sign anything with them. And apparently i have quite a few frens who have fallen under such companies as well. There was another co called Jeregon International which i already went for the 1st interview and due to the warnings given by my peeps, i rejected their invite for a second interview. That co apparently makes ppl go door-to-door selling charity coupons. And all these co earn commissions from sales of the workers. Omg...

So ppl watch out for co like Jeregon, Dreamwork, Redwood etc. I think these companies all fall under one big group called the Cobra group. Their ads sound super deceiving and promising, and even their interviews with you sounds good(they are very pro at PR) but ultimately, it's still MLM jobs. Like for Dreamworks, they offer me a base pay of $800, the rest will be on comission. $800!!!! I think i'll earn more at MacDonald. That's a frigging low base pay. Not only that but i won't get any CPF contribution for like abt 7 months to a year....mebbe longer. Isn't that crap? Even a one-week pt job i did during my JC days paid me CPF.

So far i've been to 5 interviews, rejected 1 job offer, and declined 2 more second interview invites. Ahhhh sucky co!!!!!! And i did such a great impression for the Dreamwork second interview too. Waste of my effort. LOL! Now i'm debating whether i should just get a PT job for the moment as i continue my job hunt. Advise ppl?

Oh and i made a new BL-crazy buddy kairiz who is in my japanese class too. Girl u must post a comment ok? LOL! And the best thing is we're both naruto yaoi fans and fanfic lovers! Hell ya are we geeky wicked cool or what. Hahahaha!!!

Other than that, i'm happy to say that despite last week being super busy with interviews and having like less than 2 days to do any actual studying for my japanese exam on sunday, i managed to score better than what i expected. Yay!!!! Celebration!

Ohhh yeah from my other japanese classmate Adeline, she rec this youtube vid to me and if you like cute kids, watch this. I swear if my niece is as cute as this little girl, i'll hug her to bits. Oops did i sound super biased there? LOL! She's super kawaii and looks mixed to me, and very smart too. Think her either her mom or dad's caucasian, cos one of them is def japanese.

I tot it was uber adorable when they ask her what picture was she making and she said "uchi"(house in japanese). Squeee!!~~

interview, japanese

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