Random post on cookies, naruto, harry potter, zodiac and ranting

Aug 06, 2007 21:14

Oooh lookie second post in 2 days! Wheee! In order to make up for being gone for so long, i've decided to post a "fun entry". Meaning it will contain useless gibbles, some pics, and silly ramblings to try and lighten your day. Key word: try.

Okay, during the long 10 weeks that i have been AWOL, i did have a cookie baking sesson at Meilian's house. And here is one of the more special results from our cookie experimentation.


Also along the way, i had another dinner with some of my j-class peeps after our recent midterm test(which i'm proud to say i did okay even tho the translation section was a killer). Here's Adeline, Jing Jue and Tracey at California's Pizza.

Here's me and Teo-san sitting on the other bench. Okay me acting cutesy. But HEY i AM the peace sign queen of Singapore! That's because i lack originality in posing and yet i think it's boring to pose with my arms doing nothing. Hahaha!

Flash foward so me and Naddy lining up at the Harry Potter book launch at Borders! It's like 7.30 in the frigging morning and you can tell that both of us looked damn shagged. Ughhhh dun look at me w/o my beauty sleep!

I'm pissed at meifeng because she was supposed to meet us there. Both of us tried calling her so many times but she didn't answer. Not only that, she didn't call us back AT ALL until now. So that made me think that she really don't give a damn about the feelings of others and she acts really selfish. I mean, if you overslept or something, the least you could do was to call us later. But to not even receive a single sms until today. I'm fed up with it and really can't be bothered with her anymore.

Okay ranting over. Here's a shot of the people's backsides. You'd think i was talking a pic of the longggg line(this is not even near the counter, it still snakes off to the other side) but i was REALLY taking a quick mass butt shot. HAHAHAH! Kidding!!!!!!!!

I swear i tried to find the cosplayers, i did! Esp sarahcoldheart, but i didn't have her number and i couldn't spot her among all the other cosplayers. Damn man! One of the reason i went there in the morn was so i could take a piccy with them. *sad* In the end, nad and i discovered a wayyy shorter line inside and made a cut for it. After we had wasted an hour outside. :(

Here's me looking all shagged and haggard-ish(posing with my expensive HP book!). That's due to lack of sleep and me caught in the rain just when i was reaching my block. Yup, nothing says damp cat than a sprint in the rain. ^_^ WAHHH FUGLY PIC!!!!

Yippee my American version Harry Potter. I prefer the US cover to the UK. Guess i just like the cute little illustrations inside, altho i think the previous illustrator did a cuter job. And little Hedwig beside! She came with the book! Hoot!


Slight rant: My dad's been a HUGE pain in the butt these days. He keeps bugging me to teach him computer stuff when i dun see the need to. The only reason why he wants the internet and email is to be a showoff to his frens. Ugh! So idiotic! And he doesn't even noe how to handle the mouse properly and u want to noe how to use Google? Plus we just had a fight because he forgot his own damn password to his email account, and when i told him i dunno it, he got pissed because i wasn't being helpful. Pfft!
End rant.

Okay i'm so into naruto BL it isn't even funny. My sweet NaruUke! So here's a nice adorable sasunaru pic from a japanese website. Altho i am quite pissed at Sasuke for being an emoprick to naruto so i have a tendency to match cute little naru-chan with gaara these days.

Wahahaha here's something fun, NARUTO ZODIAC!!

Isn't it cute??????? I'm Gaara the Capricorn! Hohoho! Yeahh i wuvvv Gaara! I have a soft spot for cute little psychopaths with inner demon in killer mode. Hahaha! Yes he's kinda psychotic and likes blood a lot in the past but dammit he looks so hawt in Naruto Shippuden!!!!! Stop denying! I noe you like goth looking eyeliner wearing bois!!! (Okay he's not wearing eyeline but i like to pretend he is...)
Holy smokes i really like Kazekage Gaara with the new clothes n longer hair. :)

I have no idea if this is a colored pic from the manga or a fanwork but BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!!! *stops nosebleed*

Ooooh here's another fun thing i found on deviantart! Another zodiac pic! But this is soooo beautiful! Lovely oriental inspired designs. Done by http://mandachan.deviantart.com/
I'm the Capricorn so that means i'm the tutor. I like her hair design(sweet looking person) altho i like Scorpio's clothes better. But hawt damn Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius are hot!!!! ^____^

Lemme noe which are your zodiac signs. I can tell u abit of the naruto chara you are for that zodiac. Plus the second zodiac pic has a story! Read from top to bottom, left to right to see what role you play! Cool ne?

Lastly, to show u how much i miss u guys, lemme give u a huggies! Cwan i have a widdle huggie, sniffles sniffles.

*faints from overwhelming cuteness*

yaoi, harry potter, bl, japanese, rant, naruto

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