POT DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 23, 2007 01:29

AHHHH I NEED TO POST THIS EVEN THO IT IS TEH LAMEST THING EVER TO POST ABT! I FINISHED PRINCE OF TENNIS~!!!!!!!!!! Yes that's rite! After starting watching it ages ago, then having the longest crappiest hiatus at around 50+ epi, and the continuing it slowly thru'out my final year in uni, i have finally managed to finish all 178 episodes of it!!!! WOOT! I RAWK! (Actually i dun but let me have my brief moment of insanity here). I even deliberately hold off watching all other animes which i would rather watch cos i noe if i dun continue holding the interest it will die off. Hehe!!!

Now it's on to the OVAs! The Nationals!! Oh and another reason why i'm so willing to be hyped up abt POT is cos the French Open is starting soon! Woot! Of all the grand slam tournaments, i think i like the French Open best. Okay, i cheated. I'm really more familiar with Wimbeldon and the French Open, but i much prefer the clay court cos it's wayyyyy more exciting than grass. Harder to control and move, quite slippery at times(i've seen players fall more than a few times) and i support Nadal! Yay!!!! Tennis! Tennis!

Damn if only i noe how to play. ^_^

pot, anime

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