Steamboat Porridge!

Jan 17, 2007 22:08

Ooohh more piccys. Seems i'm spamming your pages more and more. Gomen! ~_~

This time, the uni gals and i headed for some porridge steamboat! I've never tried a porridge steamboat b4 so i tot it'd be an interesting experience. We were supposed to meet for lunch, but i was late(ahhhh can't help it i had to run to sign up for my Bunka courses in Orchard first before rushing down to Bugis to meet them). So here's wat you do at a steamboat porridge:

1) You get a pot of plain ol' porridge. Cook it on the stove and let it slowly heat up.

2) Take a few pics of your donkey frens, even those who poses w/o looking at the camera. LOL!

3) Remember to take some pics of yourself too! Cheeeeseeee!!!! *infamous peace pose*

4) While the stuff's cooking, go snoop around the buffet of ingredients laid out.

5) Remember kiddies, veggies are a must for a healthy diet. Mushroomsss!!!!!!!! ^_^

6) Omgggg these are soooo CUTE! Piggy fishcakes!!! Ahhhh! So frigging adorable! They dun really taste that good but i just had to grab some of them. It is after all going to be the Year of the Pig. LOL!

7) Wahahaha!!! Lookie the floating piggies in the porridge! *Ahem* Yeah just throw in all the stuff and boil and bubble, porridge steamboat! The food's so-so. Not all that great but it was an interesting experience. Unfortunately despite the weather being stoopidly rainy the past few days, it decided to be hot and sunny today, making porridge eating less enjoyable.

Not forgetting that today's my dad's Bday!!!! Woot!

Happy Birthday Dad!

He's 58 and posing with his harry potter-esque glasses. Yikes! Old liao old liao! Hahaha!

uni peeps, dad, birthday

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