Late entry again!!!

Jan 16, 2007 00:11

AHhhhh i was waiting for fengi to pass me the pics we took but i noe it's gonna take forever until she sends me(still i'm gonna hound her like a loan shark! Pig's head and all!) so i'll just update a tad.

Last fri i met up with her for a belated bday celebration. Cynthia and Nad were invited but Nad's busy(you need to make it up to meee! XD) and cyn has...her own issues to deal with. *ahem* But i am determined to drag them all out together one day! Must!

Us at Billy Bom Bom(i like that name rather than Bombers)

Erm....ignore my orangutan expression pls...

I dunno wat's with me and burgers these days...i seem to crave for it(not the macdonald kinds tho). Weird!

Tiring, still had to go out with dad to suntec on sat cos he need to get some silly stuff and we ended up having dinner at the jap restaurant in suntec city and i'm abt to burst wide open from all the food i ate! Burgers, katsu, etc. *burp* No more eating!

This week there's only 1 day of school on fri! R&R for the rest! Woot!

Okay end of update! Bleh! I hate updating when it's so late past the event.

bday, food

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