Weight-n-HealthBlog: On Monday I went to the doctor, to get my birth-control injection. As per usual, they take my blood pressure and weigh me and all that, it always stresses me out. And as you know, I've been feeling particularly *fat* lately. Well, turns out since the last time I was weighed 3 months ago, I've lost weight - even with the
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Sorry you're a pain in the ass - erm, I mean, sorry you have a pain in the ass. LOL Owie!
Here's the kind of stuff Sara does at CrossFit where she's a trainer. I can't do that - yet. Hopefully I remember how to put a picture here!
The only thing that works for me is the calorie/refined sugar thing (and exercise.). I did Atkins for awhile, gained weight, and sent my gall bladder to crazy place due to much protein, so I have to be really careful about how much protein I eat now. Doctor advised against "low carb diet" stuff. lol (Atkins put my pyscho ex-step mother into the hospital too, as she got all "backed up" if you know what I mean... But she's all about doing ALL the "new diets fads" things. Every time I visited, she was doing something new (and she was never overweight, so I dunno why she was so obsessed... but then again, she is pyscho, so...)
And yeah, all that protein isn't good either. I hate dieting and books about dieting and people talking about diets. Really. I figure, just shut up and quit eating so much, heh. Except for you. You can talk about it, lol.
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