Jan 15, 2009 11:30
Weight-n-HealthBlog: On Monday I went to the doctor, to get my birth-control injection. As per usual, they take my blood pressure and weigh me and all that, it always stresses me out. And as you know, I've been feeling particularly *fat* lately. Well, turns out since the last time I was weighed 3 months ago, I've lost weight - even with the holidays and all that! Woo!
What have I been doing differently? Well, mostly just cutting out "sugar" - I haven't been drinking alcohol really, since I over did it at a friends' wedding last year and was SUPER ILL, and decided I never wanted to do that again, and just the smell of wine is enough to make me want to throw up now. I stopped having cups of coffee with 3 sugars, or cups of black tea with 3 sugars, to just having plain tea with milk. I'm also being more aware of my "portion" sizes and trying to eat less in general. Basically I am trying to intake less calories, and eat "wiser". If I want to have a soda (regular - I am SUPER sensitive to "artificial" sweetners like Aspartame and Saccharin, and even Splenda, which is natural, but still has that nasty "after-taste" as with artificial...), usually Peter and I will split a can with dinner or something, as a 'treat', and it is enough. Normally, I eat two pieces of toast with butter and salt and pepper (and sometimes garlic - yes for breakfast! mm.) in the morning with my tea. Lunch is sometimes left-overs, or a sandwich with a small treat (a small piece of chocolate) - one thing I read was to make sure not to deprive yourself, but to make sure and be aware and eat smarter. Dinner is dinner - but I am really trying to cut my portion sizes.... Also, adding a bit of exercise, but more on that later.
Anyway, back to Monday - so, I wanted to have something "naughty" - we decided on Subway sandwiches for lunch (not really THAT naughty - could be worse, but if I had a choice between McD's and Subway, I'd choose Subway, unless there is a Taco Bell) - but also thought it might be nice to have one of those really nice soft chocolate chunk cookies that Subway does - you know the ones I mean. But instead of buying the cookie from Subway, we went to the grocery store and bought a 4 pack of them from the bakery section... Monday I was quite happy eating my Subway and cookie (and did I mention soda?). I felt a bit guilty, and more than a little bloated, but it was worth it. Tuesday I had another cookie, and my body went into Civil War mode - too much rich sugar intake (and not enough water!) after weeks of doing it little at a time. I was SO ILL and felt VERY STUPID as I know better than to do this. One day of binge - ok. Day two? Not so much. I'm back to doing things the right way (for me) now and feeling much better for it, thank you.
On Monday I had also mentioned to the nurse that the last time I had received my injection, it was painful for DAYS - which it had never done before. I really remember it too, because it was right at the beginning of the Hell Week with Cousin. I was in so much pain all damn week and was getting a bit concerned (they give it to you on the upper/side of your butt cheek). Well, the nurse said that others had reported the same thing happening, so I wasn't alone. But that they had also changed manufactuers of the injection around that time. So here I am AGAIN with this UBER painful ASS - and what is ironic is that the needle going in, no problem, I don't even feel that - but these after effects? Holy shit. I've been taking ibuprofen EVERY DAY because of it (and the associated headaches from hell - I thought my migraines were bad ... I'd rather have them.) What is this "new" manufactuer USING that is making it like this?! I've never had this injection affect me for days (usually just the first day, then I'm fine.) until the last two times. Ugh.
So it is making the exercise a bit difficult, but I am trying to get some in. I'd like to eventually be working out for 1 hour a day - seriously, what is one hour in my day? it is nothing. But I'll take the small steps to get there and be happy with what I do. There is one exercise that I really like doing, I call it the "Peeing Dog Series". I learned it off of TV from a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader years ago - lmao! :) Though I don't think she called it that. It is the one where you are on all fours, and you lift your leg, bent at the knee, to the side (hence peeing dog!). Also, you lift and straighten your leg behind you and hold it there for a few seconds, so it is even with your back. Several reps of these. Two very simple moves... but the pain in my ass is making it hard to do :P
I've joined this "community challenge" thing online, for six weeks, and they give you an assignment thing each day. Monday and Wednesday is some type of exercise (the first one was dancing! cool!) and the other day are little hints and tidbits, mostly about how not to sabotage yourself (ie: using the mirror as a weapon against yourself) It is all mostly common sense type of thing (the only "diet" is "math" - you have to intake less calories than you are putting out. Anything else (low carb, low fat, etc) is just someone with a gimmick trying to make money. Still try to make "wise" choices - wholegrains over white bread, etc - but don't deprive or cut out anything like carbs, etc. If you want a potato, have a potato, but make sure it is a good portion size... stuff like that.) but it is really stuff that makes good logical sense and I need to 'hear'. There is "extra credit" daily workout routine too that I just realised yesterday, so I'm going to check that out and see if it is something I'll do. Oh, today's assignment? Something about how journaling is important and such. :) So yay, I've completed today's assignment!