John and I hit Target for cat litter and toilet paper and batteries for the animated All Hallow's Eve decorations. People were compacting stock in some rows and putting stuff out in some rows in the "special" section. There was Halloween stuff and Thanksgiving stuff and Yule stuff. Because of the way they were "rotating" the rows, there was a row with Halloween stuff on one side and Yule stuff on the other. It was JUST PLAIN SURREAL.
Anyway, our other errand was a bust. Our favorite nursery does NOT have any firewood and may NOT get any for quite a while--something about it being more expensive this winter (DUH....isn't everything?) and not worth the work/wages it takes to stock. POO............
SO.......I have decided to do something I haven't done in years (maybe since I was 7 or 8). I am going to make my Christmas list before Halloween.
I want a cord of firewood (I will be happy to stack it myself but we don't have a chainsaw to split it so it has to be cut to fireplace lengths already), the original Star Trek TV series on DVD, and this Celtic lion ponytail holder. I's early........and I'm weird.