Oct 22, 2008 12:41
Take that SEMCO! I had to check for sure (by looking at past entries) but I've had the furnace turned off for more than six months.
I DID turn it on last night and set it for 60 degrees. John said it turned on once very early this morning but I didn't hear it until just now. Darn..................I so like those $25 gas bills for six months. Hopefully, we'll get MOST of the windows plastic-ed over this weekend and we won't pay as much as last year even IF the prices went up.
Our biggest problem is the fact that the wind blows directly against the back (our bedroom and bath) of the house. We're going to TRY to put up some kind of windbreak back there. My ideal is foundation planting but there wasn't any money for it this year. I'm not adverse to some kind of staked-up ugly tarp to cut down on the draft. As long as management doesn't see it we'll be good.
In other news.............um..........John and I sold 150 books from the stash although we still need bookcases to put the rest out. I saw exactly what I wanted but we'll wait until after Yule to do anything so we can spend the money without worry (or too much worry, anyway).
I'm still working on the fabric and paper messes--this is going to take a while but it IS obvious that progress IS being made.
We're merchanting at The Grand Tourney in Cynnabar the first weekend of November so the sewing is commencing again at a rather quicker pace. I was working on the family room software (drapes and pillows etc.) but now I'm working on a few other ideas for our business. I'm also looking for piecework from other people so I can work at home.
There's a washing machine in the kitchen--the old one that doesn't work and leaks all over the floor. THIS MEANS that the new-to-us one is installed and working.YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing makes you appreciate modern appliances like having to wash clothes in the bath tub for a week.
Trash day is Friday and it can go out to the curb tomorrow UNLESS I can find someone who buys old stuff for repairing/recycling/scrap!
I love Craigslist. I'm looking for firewood now since our favorite place DOESN'T HAVE ANY RIGHT NOW (that is so weird). We sold the books, some dishes, found the washer and I did an All Hallow's Eve paid costuming job from an ad there in the last week.
Stay safe and warm.