Nov 20, 2004 08:21
Okay, so our hall closet has gotten ridiculous. I have an obsession - I save cardboard boxes. I swear it's a disease transmitted genetically by my mom. I cannot rid myself of it. Every single box that comes my way, I save it! I even have empty cereal and Easy-Mac boxes. I always think, 'we will need this someday'! 'To mail a present or a package maybe'! It's insane. We have so many of them now that we will never possibly use them all. So I took it upon myself to get off my ass and realize that if there's no possible way I can cure myself of this disease, I can at least clean up the mess it has caused! So I decided to go through all the boxes and get rid of a bunch, knowing that I would continue to save every single one that comes my way.
So I sat down in the closet with some scissors and a trashcan, and started breaking down each box and stacking them up and getting rid of all the tissue paper, styrofoam peanuts, and other various packaging materials that I also always feel the need to save (ridiculous)!
One box comes along and has a bunch of styrofoam peanuts, so I start scooping them up with my hands and putting them in the trash. And lo and behold, I FIND A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!! FOR ME!!! FROM MELISSA!!! THAT I NEVER OPENED OR EVEN REALIZED WAS THERE BEFORE!!!! HOORAY!!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!! OPEN PRESENTS!!!!
It turns out to be a teensy tiny little marble and a ring!! How wonderful!! Thank you, Melis!!! That was the best Christmas present ever, because it came in November!!!