Bad Red Head! No Aloe!

May 09, 2009 19:21

I iz sunzburntz!

A sun worshiper I am not, and once a year I remember why... It never fails, I get one sunburn a year, sigh...  Today was the day. I took the boys to M's LAX game. We had to be there an hour early for team pictures. It was pleasant out with a nice breeze, for oh about 10 minutes. Then the sun got angry and the temp made it up to 93. There I was a clad in my LAX team shirt and shorts sitting on the shiney bleachers, like a sittin duck. Pooh...Oh well.

I stayed with the team today to help make sure the boys had enough water. Thankfully I carry gallons of water in the back of my truck... I added 3 gallons to their water cooler and kept the bottles filled for drinking and dousing. M played midi all game. He loves it. Though he got himself tossed in the penalty box twice again today. He was sent in there twice last night too. Got called for slashin. After the last time Coach told him "No baseball swings M!" LOL, at least he's aggressive in the game. We are working on the slashing. Funny side to the story, one of the Assistant Coaches asked about when he played football last. M took the past two seasons off, but wants to play again. The Asst Coach was happy to hear that...said, "good, I want him on my team, he is aggressive and fast, and I could use him this year". So M is set with a Coach if things work out for this Football season. Well hopefully the boys will have a better game tomorrow.

I have started digging in my basement again. I did not like the arrangement of the sewing area so I have been moving things around again. Plus I needed to switch out the desks in my office area and un-earth the fitness equipment. I really miss working out down there. I am also hoping to clear out enough space to be able to work my forms fully.

I also needed to un pack my office from when I left Wyle (it has been nearly a year!). I need to set up my space for when I work from home. Summer is coming and there is usually a week or two that camp does not cover so I will have to work at home. I'm thankful my work allows me to do that, but in order to be productive, I need a decent work space. I still need to pick up a decent file cabinet so that I can put my printer on it and file all my papers that are currently tossed in the various bankers boxes. Plus I have a ton of shredding to do. Oh and I seriously need a radio down there! =)

Ok well break is over...Gotta fold the laundry and start moving and clearing out some more stuff!
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