I will cut you!

Nov 09, 2008 00:34

AWUAGH! If there is one thing, ONE thing that pisses me off and just makes me want to stab someone it's chain letters. They piss me the fuck off they are a waste of time and they are an innate curse to the people you send them to because if they feel strongly enough that because they didn't do what the stupid thing said they will in fact feel like they have bad luck because of it. It is a waste of paper and ink when in the mail; and they are also a waste of time for the person who happens to have to come across them on the internet. Things like this are also considered TROLLING on the internet and are usually a ban worthy item on any website.

I want to seriously scream at one of my myspace/ high school friends so bad because they title their chain letters titles that make me concerned about them, and being the concerned person I am I look at them and then I get slammed with a chain letter which in turn pisses me off not only at the fact that I was worried for someone who I didn't need to worry about but I now have to deal with being tricked into looking at something I completely despise. I have come to the point that this said friend will no longer get my attention with these and if they do need help I won't be there because I personally think that they are trying to trick me with another chain letter.

Posting titles in your Bulletin Board like: "Oh no", "Here we go again", "(insert)-phone - #(with your number literally posted in the title)", and "It's another bad one" only makes people concerned and when the find out that it is in fact a falsehood it tends to piss people off. It gets people worried about you for NO ABSOLUTE REASON! I'm surprised that said friend hasn't had her ass chewed out before now because of said posting.

Everyone keep this in mind please, it just pisses me off and it's a nuisance. I especially don't like getting said chain letters through TEXT MESSAGES! I never want to receive these things, I don't approve of them and I don't spread them so don't send them to me! I look at it like this I don't want to curse people therefore I don't so why would someone send something like this and try to curse me?! It's really a slap in the face when I start by asking people not to do something like this and they do it anyway. So this is me now telling people if you want me there for you DON'T send me chain letter garbage, or I else I will not bat an eye at anything that concerns you and I will not be there when you need someone.
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