Fox canned Drive? I didn't even get a chance to start watching it. Man they suck. But, not as hard as NBC.
No, I didn't watch American Idol. I was watching the basketball playoffs. I would appreciate any AI highlights/lowlights. I haven't read anything about the episode, so I'm totally clueless.
Stunning Images of Katrina
The following pictures were taken by a man in Magee, Mississiippi where the eye of the storm passed through. Magee is 150 miles North of Waveland, Mississippi where the Hurricane made land fall. The dance with Katrina... part of her beauty as she left destruction on her exit. They are remarkably dramatic. They will make you gasp...
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8 The following picture was taken from the third story balcony of Saint Stanislaus College located next door to Our Lady of the Gulf church in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi on the morning of August 29th, 2005. This is believed to be the initial tidal wave from Hurricane Katrina. The tidal wave was approximately 35 to 40 feet high. When it slammed into the beach front communities of Bay Saint Louis and Waveland Mississippi, it completely destroyed 99% of every structure along the beach for 9 miles and over of a mile inland. The destruction only started there. The flooding that continued inland destroyed the contents of all but 35 homes in these two communities of approximately 14,000 people.
9 Heroes
Wow! Great battle between Sylar & Peter.
I'm relieved that Mohinder & Peter aren't dead. But, what a sad ending for Isaac.
Mama Petrelli and her kin are very cool.
Curious to see how they handle Hiro meeting his future self. As I recall, that wasn't a good thing for Max on Roswell. Every show seems to have a different approach on how meeting your future self will shape the future.
Speaking of future... next weeks episode looks really, really good!