House Closing Day & Halloween Costumes!

Aug 31, 2007 07:22

Yes, today is the closing day for the house that Steve & I are buying on Fairmount Lane here in Tallahassee -- I'm so excited! We did the final walk-through yesterday and ascertained that the few things that needed fixing were indeed fixed, and that the place is looking good. The plan is to have our parents over this evening for pizza in the new house, even if we're possibly sitting on the floor around my easily-portable Korean table. Wheeee! I can't believe that this is really going through!

But the other exciting news is that I've got a concept for my Halloween costume for this year! Y'all know how important Halloween and dressing up are to me (yes, I'm a big geek. But we all know this already.), and how I host a Halloween open house every year, and just 'cause I'm in a new house and not the old townhouse isn't going to stop me!

Last year, my Queen of Hearts outfit was a great success, and I think I wore my Harry Potter/Ravenclaw uniform the year before. So I was saying to Steve, I truly can't wear either of those again, at least not this year! And I'm not even thinking about wearing SCA attire, for the same reason that Steve said he didn't want to wear his French & Indian War reenactment garb. And with all the time & effort and cost-cutting that this house is putting on us, I can't make anything terribly costly. So what to do?

But then, my Dad had a great idea -- "The house you're buying has kind of a gabled roof in front. Why not dress as the figures in Grant Wood's painting 'American Gothic'? Those wouldn't be too difficult, and pretty much everyone knows that painting." Besides, I mused, very likely the outfits (or something close to them) could be found at a local Goodwill store. Steve was all for the concept! So we have a plan, and you know how I love having a good plan.

family, moving preparations, costuming

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