LJ Idol weel 4: home game edition

Nov 27, 2010 10:10

 How can I choose just one elephant to write about?

There are so many here. Pink ones. Green, blue, silver, black, transparent and anything else you can name. They are made of everything imaginable.  Wood, glass, metal, plastic and more.

At first it was just one.  Then another arrived.  They slowly trickled in. Small ones that dangle delicately from my mother's ears.  A large one sitting on the coffee table with a court of smaller ones all around.

I guess I should say my mother started to collected them.  They make me happy to see them.  Anytime I am out and about and see an elephant I think about my mother.  I usually bring one home for her.

Wait was I suppose to talk about the fact that no one in my family likes to talk about the fact I have been with Purelovely for 10 years.  Opps, my bad.
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