
Dec 05, 2009 13:13

My first and my most memorable sunrise happen on a trip to mexico with my family. Every year, when I was child, we would drive to visit family in souther California, Texas and various parts of Mexico. I spent many summer months in a small village, very isolated.

We used a two-tone blue dodge van. There was sofa that folded flat and plush carpeting all thru-out. We would pile our blankets and pillows inside. As well as an ice chest with drinks and sandwich fixings. Eventually we even got a small tv and vcr.

What I remember is that I had stayed up reading the star wars episode one novel. I was so excited about the movie coming out. The only other person awake was my father who was driving. I was using a flash light, with the book propped up on the window sill. Outside was endless flat darkness, occasionally with bright white and red lights speeding by and an endless star-filled night.

First the black plain turned gray. Followed by the sky turning more blue. I lost interest in the book, as far off mountains and rocks took on purple and red tones. The whole desert and the clouds in the skills took on all kinds of colors. This moment seem to go on forever. Then the first golden ray of light peeked over the distant mountains. The sky in the east turned white. The sun slowly inched into the sky.

That night I traveled an endless sea of black, a rainbow field and finally a golden desert.
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