Oct 08, 2009 14:47
So I've had this stupid upper respiratory illness the last few days. Cough, runny nose, temperature (of up to about 102ºF/38.9ºC at the worst, wft), tiredness... Plus it made my asthma act up, not cool. So I am raging because I have missed three days in one week of school back in September and now headed for another five this month.
At least it's not just me - it seems a load of girls in my school are ill.
But still. RAEG. It is such a pain to get the notes and everything for the days I've been out. Physics and Chemistry, not so much, but Maths is definitely a pain - I have to get a copy of someone's work from when I was out to understand what the hell we've been doing. German's kind of annoying, too, I have to get someone's hardback on a Thursday, copy what I need down, give it back on Friday.
I have an immune system that lets me down at stupid times. Not the worst of times, thankfully, but STUPID times.
I have a BT Young Scientist entry to work on, too, oh noooo.
Anyway, Tsubasa is ended, huh. I actually really enjoyed the epilogue. The fact that Syaoran has to keep journeying is somewhat silly, to me, but it feels right. Sort of similar to rhythm, or a pattern - it started with the beginning of a journey, and so it ends.
(I suppose that kind of ending wasn't as surprising to me after reading the Dark Tower series, even if that was a bit different.)
Plus, like a couple of people said, it's good for fanfic possibilities, haha!
Although I feel it may be somewhat stupid of me to realise that I feel ready to go back into the KuroFai fandom after the story has ended. Eh, I'm not going to worry too much. Anyway, I have a silly sort-of crack fic written from a few days ago.
(Still trying to think what should happen in the elements short story, it's been ages, though. :x I am sorry! D: )
rl stuff,
i'm ill,
fandom stuff,