Work in Progress, and news.

Sep 12, 2009 23:39

So, Cy gave me this lovely prompt from that last meme post, for an original story regarding the elements, and I think I've got a bit of a hand on how it should go.
I thought, since I've been reading a lot of mythology and folktales and whatnot lately, I should do it like a sort of fake legend. It's very fun writing that kind of prose, heehee, even though it's a little bit... Lavender, you might say, by nature!

I thought, so I don't forget to continue or anything, I should post the first paragraph here to remind me whenever I look over my journal. I'm sort of terrible at keeping on track with these things, I suppose.

"Once, back when the earth was young and the sea also, when the forests were wild and man was barely a thought in the minds of the gods, the great serpents of those two domains acted out a time-hallowed ritual each millennium. That millennial task was a great clash between them, determining whether land or water would be the principle power over the coming epoch."

Ah, maybe I'm not quite at my best with that writing, but trying out different styles is a joy, don't you think?

I'm quite content right now/these last few days - more than one part of my life has been going well!

Last term I wrote a letter explaining about wanting to set up an Amnesty International student and youth group in my school, which I gave to the school's principle before the summer holidays came. So, I was rather in anticipation of whether I would get permission or not. (Lawl, Irish Catholic school ethos. ) On Thursday, I found out from him that he was giving it the go ahead! (Apparently, the same idea was put to the school a few years ago and was turned down.)
Then, on Friday, my English teacher from Junior Cert stopped me at lunch, to say that she had seen the picture, that I was in, along with some other people, from last year's Amnesty fundraising stand at the Mini Marathon. (She's a member of Amnesty too, you see.) I told her about my plan, and she went on a little about how she wanted to try to set up a generic "Human Rights" group, because of the difficulty of setting up an Amnesty group, until I stopped her to say that I had already obtained permission from the principle himself! She said that she'd help set it up, though she's busy.
Just after school, I bumped into Mr. Lee and was able to tell him that I had found a supportive teacher.
So, I can proceed with getting everything up and running! 8D

It turns out my aikido classes have been moved to a Wednesday evening, too, which is perfect - I have a half-day of a Wednesday and it frees up my Friday for study or having friends over!
I'm going to have to make a study schedule for myself, though.

London was good, and I made a clay copy of the PVC Minato Arisato/Persona 3 main character figure, that was apparently available in Japan a while ago, for my most well-known friend, for her birthday. I had it done on time, too! It was very gratifying to see how much she appreciated what I had made for her.

mythology is fun too, my life is awesome sometimes, original work, atlus games

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