Mar 19, 2010 03:04
Bottle of prosecco chilling in the fridge, waiting to hear that I've gotten the promotion I've earned. In less than nine months of being in the department.
If I can do this right I'll be tacking on about 10K to my income. And I'll still be hourly! Which means I can still kinda have a life. As much life as a night-shift person can get, anyway.
The one thing that working nights does for you is really hate the people who go out and get drunk and act ridiculous and asshole-ish after dark because it's night! And the night is crazy! somehow to these people. And I'm coming off my shift at midnight and I hate all of you and I'm about to stab someone in the eye out of pure deadline adrenaline.
Rule: if there's change in my pocket you can have it but I'm not pulling out my wallet so in that case I just lie and say I don't have any money. Then they try to logic some money out of me: well how you gonna pay for the bus? I got a card my employer gives me so I can get my ass to work. Gee it must be nice having a job. Well, I like it and all. Sorry fuckers I'm a woman all alone out here, ain't taking my wallet out for shit.
I hurt inside, and not in the emo way. Like in the sense that my organs are all fucked up or something. But I hate bugging people about things even though it's not even rational so I put off going to the doctor because I hate listing my physical complaints. I'm an idiot, I know. I have an appointment in two weeks and I'm trying to put off calling for an earlier one, but I'm not sleeping and it's wearing me down.
Had this long conversation with a friend about how it's important to get genetic screening done before having kids so you don't pass on shitty genes (like CF or sickle-cell anemia) and make life miserable for some poor kid. She equated it to making designer babies and called it unethical. I said that the slippery slope fallacy doesn't apply if we have some common fucking sense and now that I think about it, what is the ethical objection to designer babies anyway? That we're shallow? Last I checked being shallow wasn't unethical, just poor form. And no, it's not natural, but natural and ethical are not synonymous. Christ I don't have anyone to discuss ethics with anymore. My boyfriend turns them all into poop jokes and everyone else argues from a visceral and emotional standpoint. Or for the lulz. Or doesn't want to offend. Or does want to offend. Or just doesn't give a shit.
I get wrapped around the axle with my own relativistic bullshit and I desire a strong set of ethics. Absolutes need not apply. Shades of gray preferred.
Owwww. Also fucking William Gibson is messing with my dreams and internal monologue. (See also: I narrate everything inside my head.)