Matthew Perry (1969 - 2023)

Oct 31, 2023 13:06

When I got out of bed on Sunday morning, I browsed Facebook and sipped on my coffee; my morning ritual that has been in place every day since about May 2018.

I was scrolling, looking at the usual memes and assorted posts by businesses, family and friends. Then the morning news articles started to appear from the local TV networks. That's when I saw it, a post from 7 News. Initially I got excited seeing his face in my feed... and then my heart shattered when I read the caption "Friends actor Matthew Perry dead aged 54"

We are devastated to learn of Matthew Perry’s passing. He was a true gift to us all. Our heart goes out to his family, loved ones, and all of his fans.
- FRIENDS (@FriendsTV) October 29, 2023

I was no means in the Friends target audience when it was airing. I would have been much too young. If anything, as a six year old in the year 2001 - I strictly remember being annoyed that the show had taken over the time slot for Sabrina: The Teenage Witch! I had to wait for a Friends episode to finish before I could watch my show. I was really into Sabrina, mostly for Salem and the magic. What can I say, my love of cats and the super natural started young!

Anyway, back to Friends. I actually first watched the show while I was living with Alan in 2020. Yeah, this was well and truly after all the hype of the shows original run. Just in time for its popular resurgence, though! Finally, I was one of the cool cats who could make and catch references to the show.

Alan had suggested the show as I felt like I needed to watch some comedy (you know, because of 2020..) and he wanted to re-watch it. He was actually old enough to have watched it in it's original run, him being 16 years my senior.

He had decided he didn't want to continue watching the show with me in the few weeks prior to our breakup, which was in January of 2021. So it just became something I'd throw on when I was by myself at home. Then of course, the show ended up being my break-up comfort show and I binged the remaining seasons pretty quickly. Along with a re-watch of InuYasha, of course.

For a show that heavily featured a lot of romantic ups and downs, it probably wasn't the best show to watch as a person who was newly single after a long term relationship. But, oh well, there were still plenty of much needed laughs to obtain, so I stuck it out. I'm really glad that I did. I enjoyed the show and I'd happily count it among one of my favourite series. Yep, even thought it does have an emotional memory connection associated with it, it will always hold a place in my heart.

People who know me would probably refer to me as being a Monica. As much as I am like her for the following reasons:

  1. I enjoy hosting events for my friends
  2. I like to be in control of situations and don't like surprises
  3. I lose some sanity if my house and surroundings aren't "just so" and clean
  4. I'm wayy to much of a people pleaser
  5. I'll always be there to celebrate my friends achievements, no matter their size
  6. I'm the "Mum" of my friend group
  7. I'm a perfectionist to the point that it actually destroys my ability to do most things

Monica was never my favourite character. She was probably my second favourite. The honour of the true favourite, goes to Chandler.

When I watched the first episode I remember turning to Alan and repeating Chandlers name "His name is Chandler?" and he gave me a nod to confirm. "That's certainly not a name I was expecting!" That's not all I wasn't expecting. I didn't think a show we'd thrown on for the sake of it, would turn into one of my favourites. I also couldn't have known just how much the character with the "weird name" would mean to me.

I just loved his character sooo much. Especially the sarcasm.

His famous "Could you BE anymore ...." lines are now something that are a permanent part of my everyday vocabulary. Every time Chandler is in a scene, I pay more attention. The episodes that were more Chandler centric also count more often among my favourites. I also found he had some of the more memorable lines that I often quote.

“I’m not great at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” - Chandler Bing.

But I think the real side of him that I connect with actually comes from his characters more... sad and awkward sides. “Hi, I’m Chandler, I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable.” Because, damn it, you could replace his name with my own and it would be convincing as an original quote from myself.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a few words about Friends and Matthew/Chandler. As his passing has been pretty upsetting to me. As many people on social media have now pointed out - there are more than a few scenes in the show with him in it that will just hit sooo different now knowing that Matthew Perry is gone.

Especially this one.. I'm not crying.... there are just invisible ninjas, who just so happen to be cutting invisible onions. *sobs*

Joey looking over to the empty seat where Chandler would sit. From the S02E17 - The One Where Eddie Moves In.

Thank you for bringing me so much joy through my favourite sitcom character.

Rest in peace, Matthew Perry.

friends tv, tv shows, actor, sad stuff

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