Aug 04, 2008 10:12
Just a few activities over the weekend and I'm so DONE! Even with naps on both days, I'm still tired. I can probably blame some on the fact that K's not sleeping well because of his cold/reflux/PND problem, but the rest I'm going to blame on whatever it is that saps my energy all the time.
I've been really good about wearing my braces and my wrist is less sore than it was, but still swollen. I did get one of my splints rehabbed so I can wear something very supportive when I sleep. Typing is becoming much easier, but writing is not. I get to see the surgeon in about 10 days, so we'll see what he has to say. Maybe I'll even get him to talk to ME this time.
I really enjoyed the bread making on Sat. It was encouraging to see that I wasn't THAT far off when I tried all those years ago. Just no experienced eyes and hands to help out. The public Lammas yesterday was pretty neat as well. Unfortunately, my mind wasn't as engaged as it should have been. I'll blame fatigue. On my slip of paper, I wrote- New friends, new knowledge and experience. The slip I got said- The ability to work and enjoy life. I liked that one in that I hope I can continue to work in the coming year considering how quickly I'm falling apart. ;)
I bought a Kinesio taping book and some tape and will try some basic wrist taping today. I'm tired of being suffocated in a brace.
kinesio taping