Such Fun... Not!

Oct 27, 2008 16:06

I got to have another pelvic ultrasound today to check on my fibroids.  I think I've learned the secret to the prep w/out having to die in the process.  Don't drink the qt of water all at once like they want you to, drink alot throughout the morning and pee as needed.  Drink about 8oz about 30 min before your appt and pee for the last time.  You should be well prepared for them to see a full bladder, but not so full that you fear explosion or some other sort of maiming event.

Damn, I hope it's nothing... strange.  I won't get a report for at least a week since there's no radiologist on base.  I couldn't see the screen while she was scanning, so I don't know how many items she measured.  I do know she said she couldn't see my rt ovary w/out doing the trans-vag u/s.  Was the growth so big it obscured my ovary, or was there something wrong with the ovary that it's misplaced?  Gah!

ultrasound, fibroids

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