20...damn, no more pulling the teenage card!

Jul 04, 2007 15:20

20 years old today, can't believe I've been alive for 2 decades. Sounds kind of scary when you think of it like that.

HHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA, mum just walked up and goes "TRY 4!" awwww, love you mum! Yes, this is special coz this is birthday when I am exactly half my mother's age...she's 40 this year and I'm 20. Pretty cool isn't it?

She's made me a spongecake which last time she attempted went all splodey, but it looks really good this time ;)

AAANND!! Special SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to cosmicat because she got me 6 months of paid eljay time. LOVE YOU cosmicat THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! *huggles* WEEEEEEEEE SURPRISE *GLOMP*! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

omgsquee!, birthday

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