To Do list:

Jul 20, 2009 13:07

1. Contact Spencer's Pay Roll people about my lack of being able to access ADP for the electronic version of pay stubs. Done. Really easy, actually. Don' know why I had problems before.
2. Print last 8 weeks worth of pay stubs and take them down to w/e office food stamps are involved in so I can afford food. (along with everything else they asked me to bring). About to go do.
3. Contact my advisor and ask if I REALLY need to take 2 semesters of a language and why the only French class available has nothing but "TBA" under time/days of the week/place/professor.
4. Figure out how to take 11 classes in one year. Decide which classes to take each semester, needing to average 5 per semester. (only need 10 more classes to complete 2 year degree)
5. Finish registering for classes, then contact Mrs. Flint about work studies once I have schedule.
6. Give work/class schedule to Laura/Vivian so they don't schedule me for days/times I have class, 'cause I'd "still be responsible" for those house. *grumble*
7. Decide if it's really worth it to work 2 jobs and be a full time student again. I was able to do it last semester and get a 4.0.... both terms....

Help? Should I take 6 classes this semester or next semester? This year I need 4 electives, 2 humanities/fine arts, 2 language, 2 lit, and one science. So far I'm registered, for the fall semster, British Masterpieces (lit?) Technology in Culture (Humanities), French 1, and Intro To Theater (elective). So next semester I may need 1 lit, 1 humanities/fine arts, 1 language, and 3 electives.... I might just add Women's Studies in there this semster... I hear it's super easy...  Classes I need: English Literature I and II, World Literature, World History I OR II, 1 semester of Natural Science (Astronomy II), 2 Humanities/Fine Arts courses, 1 random Lit class. I think that's it! I think I'll take Brit Lit for my random Lit class. :)
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