Title: Iris
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Pinto
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just love 'em
Summary: Stupid thesis is being stupid so I finally succumbed to my NEED to write Pinto. I can justify this because it is only 100 words and therefore has not drained my creative impulses, so suck it academia!
Dark eyes through black plastic frames; chocolate and mocha irises that seldom show naked emotion when in public. He wants to strip them bare, wants to test the boundaries of their owner's reserve. A squeeze of his shoulder here, a cheeky smile with the darkest thread of want behind it - just enough to make those eyes stutter for a breath, then flash as clear as sun through tannin-dark water. Countless attempts in interviews until those shadow-brown eyes suddenly hold something deeper, as a hand ghosts across his neck, post hug and his own blue eyes flash clear as summer sea-water.