Your Score: Myrna Loy
You scored 11% grit, 23% wit, 33% flair, and 42% class!
You are class itself, the calm, confident "perfect woman." Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You always know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you're a great help to your partner even if they don't immediately see or know it. You are one classy dame. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant, you little simmerpot, you.
Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.
The Classic Dames Test written by
gidgetgoes on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test Took it at work and emailed it to myself, and kept forgetting to post it. Anyway, I'm trying to beat off a Harry Potter/ Sailor Moon plunny. I'm failing my Ignore roll, as the plunny apparently did some advanced research on me, and is presenting the story in a logical manner. My main weapon is that I don't think we unpacked the early HP books, and I'm not digging through a hundred plus boxes of books to find the entire series so I can rewrite them from the very beginning. The second weapon is that I'm not starting a multi-chapter until I'm positive I've finished Ghosts and Founders.
No, I'm not sharing the plunny, as since it's rather respectful and logical I think I like it. Plus it's got this evil glare in its eyes, so I suspect it won't allow any others near until I've at least attempted to begin its story.
Well, it's not chasing off this one plunny in the corner. All I can tell is that there's something about a kitsune and Kaitou Kid in there... hmm. I may poke further at that one until it gives details. I'm entirely too interested in MK fandom lately, and the HP/SM plunny has to be aware that it's a project, and I can't start a project until the two up right now are finished.
What in the world is on internet radio these days? They play some truly odd songs now and then.