Well, there went that intention to keep a journal out the window. I haven't updated this thing in almost two months. Pain. Languishing pain.
Nothing's happened in my neck of the woods, though, except a bit of mourning. Alas, the Pope has died. I was raised a Roman Catholic, even if the doctrine and dogma currently has me estranged from the Church. I have, of course, been keeping an eye on the loss of Pope John Paul II, and the subsequent funeral, and now the conclave for the selection of a new pope.
It was Sad News for Me.But I have to consider brighter things. A new pope for a new era. Hopefully this one will be more open minded about women religious and individual freedoms. John Paul was a wonderful man, and a great leader, but man, the doctrine stifled me! I've been debating reading his will, but I'm not sure I want to. This is the man who said women couldn't be priests and ignored any dignity and natural power that the female spirit has. Excepting our roles as 'educators' and 'mothers'. What if I want to be more than that? Not saying I do, but to limit my choices is to clip my wings and deny me my rights. And as an American, I find that exceedingly distasteful. Maybe that's just me.
But onto something else that's got me bothered...Did they have to choose *Law* for the mass? Horrible, horrible man, ignoring such an inhuman act as to abuse a child. I hold those who covered for the criminal priests as just as guilty as the abusers themselves. Regardless that they're all together, brother priests, those who would dare harm a child in such a way are reprehensible, and no longer deserving of *any* respect or brother hood. Those who would conceal or hide the abusers are just as reprehensible, for they tacitly condone such irredeemable acts! Men of the cloth are not to have sexual relations with *anyone*. Especially not *children*, and those who do, did, touch and think of a youth that way are perverted and have gone against the nature of mankind. Not just illegal, but unnatural. Gah! I shouldn't even get started on it, but frankly, I think those who treat children with such callous disregard for their *oaths* and *natural behavior* don't deserve any respect what so ever. I'd call for them to be shot, but they'd waste a bullet. they have removed their humanity by acting like monsters! And to hide them! Drugs and child abuse. Two of my hot buttons. To hide either one, and become complicit in such a thing! Tainted forever!