Title: Twilight Author: Lady_branwyn Characters/Pairing: Thuringwethil, Bella Swan Rating: G Warnings: Makes fun of Twilight Book/Source: LOTR/Twilight Crossover Disclaimer: The sandbox belongs to the Tolkien Estate; I am just playing. Written for the tolkien_weekly "Twilight" Challenge. The dialogue is a quote from the Twilight saga which belongs
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Title: More Things in Heaven and Earth Source: LOTR Rating: PG-ish Characters: OCs, Boromir, Faramir Warnings: None A/N: The sandbox is Tolkien's, I am just borrowing. ****************************************** ( Part 5 )
My story update will be a few days late. But it's not my fault. It is the fault of blslarner. I've been engrossed in her story Murder Most Foul. She retells a famous real-world murder investigation using post-Ring War Gondor as the setting. A disturbing story that is even more disturbing when you consider that it is based on real events.
Poll Dessert for the in-laws Please leave other suggestions in the comments. Note that unless I make pie for these people, we will be forced to eat store-bought pie.
The tenth anniversary of the premiere of The Fellowship of the Ring is next month. Is anyone aware of any fannish anniversary celebrations
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Lord Branwyn and I had a hobbit breakfast this morning at the local First Watch restaurant--sauteed mushrooms topped with cheese, eggs, hashbrown potatoes, and English muffins. Nom
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Title: More Things in Heaven and Earth Source: LOTR Rating: G Characters: OCs, Boromir, Faramir Warnings: None A/N: Now we return to the ghostly visitor. MiddleEarth is Tolkien's sandbox; I am just playing.' ****************************** ( Part 4 )
Title: More Things in Heaven and Earth Source: LOTR Rating: G Characters: OCs, Boromir, Faramir Warnings: None A/N: This section and the previous one really should have been done as a prologue. Apologies--I will soon get us back to the ghostly visitor.