Jul 31, 2009 11:29
July 2009 Monthly Horoscope Forecast
by Cornelia Jones
Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd
July’s cosmic weather is highly charged with eclipse energy. Your horoscope follows news relevant to this month’s eclipses. For a more accurate horoscope, please read your rising sign. More details with dates relevant to this month’s eclipse activity are on my Astrologers Blog
There are two eclipses this month, a lunar eclipse in Capricorn followed by a solar eclipse in Cancer. These eclipses are forerunners for a new eclipse season in the cardinal signs. The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are self-starters, initiators, motivated, ambitious, and determined signs. All of the cardinal signs will be affected by this series of eclipses because they will influence the sensitive angles of your solar chart. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipse season will continue through July 2011.
If you have planets in your chart within 3 degrees conjunct or opposite of the eclipse, you can be assured you will be influenced. Those with planets within 5 degrees will also feel the eclipse in their lives, although the eclipse may not be as powerful. You may not have any planets in the Cancer and Capricorn sectors of your chart, but these empty houses and the issues they represent for you will be of greater significance over the next 18 months.
August will complete the eclipse season that began in Feb. 2008 in the fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius with a final eclipse in Aquarius on August 6, 2009.
You’ve come through a series of eclipses that helped you learn to express yourself within a group of like minded people. The Leo/Aquarius eclipses called upon you to reach out and love unconditionally. These eclipses encouraged you to give up part of yourself for something that others also identified with. This undoubtedly centered on the heart of your true nature. This may have been a humanitarian effort or a group cause. This next eclipse season is about building foundations, at home and in your public life.
Eclipse always herald in a new era for everyone. Eclipses have been viewed as bad omens since ancient times. Do not lead yourself to believe that something terrible will happen. Eclipses are catalysts for transformation and can lead to a crisis in ones life. This is why they are referred to as the “wild cards” of the zodiac. Look at any crisis as a crossroads, for you will be letting go of something so that a new chapter can unfold. An eclipse is a new or full moon, but they carry a triple power rating compared to our monthly lunar cycles.
This Cancer/Capricorn eclipse season will crystallize your needs and your ambitions. They will define how your home and family is structured. Your goals and career path will become clearer. You will learn self-discipline and responsibility, in your personal life and in the way you do business. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipses will help to balance your emotional and material security.
The last Cancer/Capricorn eclipses were August 1990-Dec. 1992 and July 2000-Dec. 2002. Think back, if you’re old enough, at what occurred in your life during those years.
You life may be influenced by an eclipse within a month to the day on either side of the eclipse date. If you have planets in your chart directly impacted by one of the eclipses, it is unlikely that you will have to wait to hear something concerning the planet influenced and the house that it governs in your chart.
Lunar eclipses are powerful full moons. Lunar eclipses amplify matters that have past their usefulness. They bring endings, closure, resolutions, solutions, and finality. They touch us at a deep emotional level and influence our relationships.
Solar eclipses are powerful new moons. Solar eclipses illuminate matters that call for your attention. A solar eclipse brings fresh starts, new opportunities, and exciting new possibilities. However, if a solar eclipse conjuncts or opposes a planet or angle in your birth chart, you may find yourself in the midst of a crisis. Any crisis will prompt you to take the necessary steps for your destiny to unfold.
Libra, if you are employed or own your own business, this is the month to make great strides. Even if you don’t see it immediately, it’s coming as your career will be under the watchful eye of the Universe until the summer of 2011. Employers may recognize you for your talents and work ethic, or there could be a promotion or fringe benefits coming your way. If you are asked to work on an important project, be sure you have the knowledge it requires to complete the task because the sun can put you in the spotlight for positive or negative reasons. This is a good time to talk to your boss and to express yourself at the office.
The 10th house, which is lit up now, also rules your parents, or more specifically, your father. Issues surrounding your parent or your role as a parent will be an important part of this transit.
If you are unemployed, this transit may spotlight something that sets you apart from others. The planets not only govern themes in our lives, they may represent people. This month may highlight something going on in the life of an important male figure, such as your significant other.
Venus (your ruler) and Mars (action and ambition) will change signs and transit your 9th house. The difficult aspects may concern payment for education. Fall semester is just around the corner; don’t delay filing for student aid if you need financial assistance, Libra. With Venus, a financial planet, transiting this sector, you may end up with more than you need.
If you are involved in something that holds legal ramifications, there appears to be some challenges, although it seems you are in the final phase. This may concern child support, alimony, loans, taxes, legacies, your partner’s income, insurance settlements, or monies aside of your earnings. A publishing, media, or long distance travel arrangement may be well underway before the end of July.
Finally, your beliefs will be strong during this month and you will defend them. Don’t force your opinions on others unless you are looking for a good debate. Well placed use of this energy is more suited for study, travel, literature, and spiritual or personal development.
July 7, 2009, the full moon lunar eclipse occurs at 15° Capricorn.
Libra, this lunar eclipse falls in your 4th house. If your birthday falls within three days of Oct. 8, you will feel this eclipse more than others in your sign.
The 4th house governs your home, family, and security needs. This eclipse may suggest that something about your home may be changing or could end. This may be a major move, or someone leaving home or family.
The eclipse could point to a female in your family and issues concerning her life. If your chart supports the eclipse aspects, you should handle the transition well because Saturn, now poised in your 12th house of endings, is at a supportive angle to the moon in your home sector.
Your role as a parent could be influenced as well. You may take on more responsibilities, you could find yourself caring for a parent, or something about your parent’s lives could be changing. Lunar eclipses touch us deeply so the immediate transition may be difficult.
The 4th house sometimes reflects some part of our lives ending as this sector is found at the bottom of your chart. The eclipse message may reflect some part of your life dissolving as you work to build a secure foundation for your family.
Your ambitions might be changing. You may decide it’s time to venture out on your own and start a home business. Management could change at work and in turn your job could change. If your birthday falls near Oct. 8 and you’ve been unsettled about something at work or job security, it’s time to send your resume out to potential employers. Naturally, if your job has been going well, there is probably nothing to be concerned about. Some Libra’s may be retiring now.
This series of eclipses falls on two sensitive angles of your chart. Because they are different degrees, some Libras will experience the career aspects and others will feel it in their home; however, if you are born with your sun near this lunar eclipse degree you are likely to feel it in both areas and may feel it at all four angles of your chart. The others angles will include relationships or formal contracts, all of which could transform your life from top to bottom.
July 22, 2009, Total Solar Eclipse at 29° Cancer.
Libra, this solar eclipse will fall at the end of your 10th house. If your birthday is within three days of Oct. 22 you will feel this eclipse more than others in your sign.
Uranus, the planet of surprising new developments is supporting you during this new moon. Uranus is currently poised in your 6th house of employment, duties, and routines. There may be new and unexpected surprises in store for your career following this eclipse.
You could move out of a dead end job and into something more stable without going through an unemployment period. Be sure and give your former employer adequate notice and leave the door open should you need to go back in the future. Hopefully, if you do change jobs, you leave on good terms. Some Libras may begin working from home, possibly for your company, or you could start your own business now.
Career developments may include travel opportunities or you may decide to earn your degree at your company’s expense. If you want to get back in the classroom, most large companies will reimburse you for tuition expenses-talk to your Human Resources director.
If you have waited far too long for recognition or a promotion, your wait may be over. There could be changes going on within your company and whatever happens could move you into a different position or your job title may change. If this is you, you may be placed in an upper management position or you could find yourself in the public eye.
The 10th house governs fame! Your name could make the news, or you could be published if you have written a book or excelled in some other form of creative endeavor. Publishing, the media, long distance travel, legal contracts, and/or foreign relations may also play a role for some.
I mentioned previously, the 10th house does govern your father or the dominant parent. If you and your parent have not been getting along or you have been separated from your parents, this eclipse could bring you closer.
Cancer is the sign of home and family; therefore, this eclipse can expand your family, bring family members together, or may offer a fresh start for home or your domestic situation.
The sun enters your 11th house on July 22. New people may come into your circle or you may mingle with friends now. You could find yourself in a leadership position among your peers. Extended family, business meetings, and your goals are also emphasized. This is not a time for you to go off alone because you will benefit by interacting with others. This is also the house where your aspirations are met-believe it can happen to you!
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. There is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” - Henry David Thoreau