I Am Still Alive

May 31, 2010 22:11

Yes I know it's been a long ass time since I've made an actual LJ post. My soul has been occupied in Facebook's domain. Plus I'm not sure who even reads my journal anymore. I do have some new news from headquarters. I am no longer with my last job due to lack of business and yes it was hard because I had my hopes that I would be hired on permanently. Oh well, keep your chin up for there are greater successes out there.

The good news is that I start a new job tomorrow. It is the same schedule as the last one however I am going to have a longer drive but it's not too far. The great part, is that it is A PERMANENT JOB! That's right! I won't have to worry about an assignment ending and I'll have benefits and paid time off!!! Something that I have not had in over 18 months!!!

We're planning on renewing our lease for another year. I want to get settled in my new job and get our debts taken care of. I want to make it my goal to get us into a house in a year at least. I was hoping to hunt for a house in Tempe or move back to Mesa but it would be a much longer commute to get to work and the thought of that makes me feel ill. We shall see.

I will also be a contributing writer for Classic Horror. My first review will be published on the site sometime in June. As soon as it's posted, I will inform everyone. I also purchased a laptop recently. That way Jake can have all the time he wants on the other computer and it will be easier for me to work on future written contributions.

I have not heard from Ran-Chan and I'm getting worried. She has not responded to Jake's post on her wall. So Cho, if you're reading this, please send a sign that you're still among the living.

Anyway, I have to try and get some much needed sleep. I have a big day tomorrow. Ciao!
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