Blah Blah Blah

Nov 09, 2009 15:45

Yes I know it's been three months since I've updated anything on my LJ. There's nothing really new going on. Still waiting for a permanent spot at my current job. We're debating on whether or not we want to renew our lease with our current apartment. I really want to stay and I absolutely hate moving with a passion. I did the budget and I figured out that I do have enough to take care of the rent and the rest of the bills. However things could change, you never know what will happen in the future.

After much speculation, Jake has decided to plunge back into the work field. He was told by the lawyer that it could take up to a year to get through the appeals process and even then that won't guarantee that he will get disability. He figured that he is fully capable of working despite what his shrink says. I could not agree more. I hope that everyone will wish him the best of luck.

We stumbled across our old camera and the great news is that it still works! I plan on creating my own video reviews and vlogs in the near future. I am currently working on a script for my tribute to Sesame Street since the show will be turning 40 tomorrow! So I'll try to keep everyone posted on the process.
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