(no subject)

Dec 27, 2015 06:32

Пост из закрытой группы уличных эпистемологов про помощь в освобождении от религии. Дико вдохновляет. Повезло девушке с другом (он к тому же понимает, что результат нестабилен и ей понадобится поддержка - моральная и информационная).

"I am so freaking happy right now... I must share this. I have successfully deconverted a coworker and friend who has been battling chronic depression and bipolar disorder for years. Her family had her convinced that these suicidal thoughts and feelings of despair were the devils influence and that she should pray instead of getting real medical treatment... even going so far as to take away her medication. Now, after several hours of discussion and introspection, she is free and preparing to seek medical treatment on her own.
I am fucking estatic right now. She has a long road ahead, but I have set someone free from the shackles of religious indoctrination and quite possibly saved a wonderful young womans life in the process. We have a new ally, and a brand new free thinking member of the human race!
I also would like to thank the members of this group for their wonderful posts which have given me the tools I needed to help this young woman free her mind and take steps towards reclaiming her brain from depression and fear. My style was crude and abrasive at times, but keeping myself calm and focused on the goal of making her think for herself and analyze her own beliefs had everything to do with the success of this deconversion.
Thank you all so very much."

religion, подзарядка буллшит-детектора

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