I hate people

Mar 13, 2008 18:13

I don't understand what makes some people such giant assholes. In my job I go around to different branches of the bank whenever they need an extra person, usually for a week, sometimes more sometimes less. But then I don't really get to know the customers who come in like the rest of the tellers. So I get yelled at all the time for asking people for the ID, and I don't get it! It takes 2 seconds to pull your wallet out, no big deal.
Well this guy today was probably one of the worst people about it so far. He came through the drive-through so I walked over there and said Hello to him and he put a check and a deposit slip in the drawer. I look at it, he wants to deposit some and get cash back for the rest. So I say
very politely "Sir, I need your ID since you're getting cash back"
And he just stares at me blankly for a few seconds and then says "Yeah..."
Me: Since you're getting cash back I need your ID
Him: grumblegrumble *holds his wallet up to the window*
Me: Can you put it in the drawer for me? I can't see that far, thanks. (there's a big counter in between me and the window)
Him: grumblegrumble You can kiss my ass! I've been comin to this bank for years, I'm not dealin with the shit, I'm comin inside!

So I took his stuff over to one of the other tellers and told her to to do it because I wasn't dealing with him anymore. Luckily everyone who works at the branches are totally cool about backing me up about it, but sometimes I just say, nope I'm not doing it. Because we have certain policies that we have to follow and if our customers won't comply I have every right to tell them that nope, can't do it then, bye! I just don't understand what the big deal is! He had his wallet out, all he had to do was put in the stupid drawer, he didn't even have to take it out of his wallet!! And yesterday some other guy complained to the manager about me, but she totally backed me up and it was awesome, but he was still a dick even to her! People are fucking crazy     

work, crazy people

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