Movie Time!

Mar 09, 2008 17:22

My sister was home this weekend and we saw a couple movies.

First we rented American Gangster and decided to watch the extended unrated version instead of the theatrical version.
It was three hours of my life that I'll never get back. Seriously, it was so boring. It was difficult to really connect with either main character and neither was really bad or really good that you would be rooting for them. Like Frank Lucas (the gangster, Denzel Washington) is almost a good guy, other than the whole being a drug lord thing. But then he'd just go crazy for a second and be extremely violent. And apparently cop and detective work in the late 60's/early 70's was realllly reallllly boring. Maybe I watch too much Law & Order, but Russel Crowe's whole genius plan to find out who's selling heroin is to give some guy money and then follow him? A 12 year old could come up with a better plan! I kept expecting there to be some big twist, but it never came. Obviously it was difficult for Denzel to smuggle so much heroin into the country but they never really made a big deal about it until the very end for like a few minutes. Most of the story was spent with Russel Crowe trying to figure out who Denzel was, but obviously the audience already knows, so it was extremely boring. I think it could have been a good story but they hit all the wrong points of it. I almost want to take the screenplay and edit it so that it's more interesting. I would say that maybe we should have watched the theatrical version, but honestly the entire thing was boring even the end, so I don't think it would make too much of a difference.
And so last night we went to see Vantage Point with my parents and two friends of our family.
I wanted to see it, but not everything I'd heard about it was good. This just goes to show that you can't believe everything you hear. It might not be the best film of the year, but it was definitely entertaining from start to finish. My mother was annoyed with the flashback/rewind part of it, but I thought that it was a really cool way of seeing everything that happened from all the different people. What is it with Matthew Fox and flashbacks? But the chase scene through the streets of Salamanca was awesome, especially when it culminates with ambulance sliding towards the little girl at the end. Basically I spent the whole movie going OMG! A couple things were predictable but I don't think it took much away from the story, especially since there was SO MUCH going on. We knew Matthew Fox was bad as soon as he told Dennis Quaid that he was gonna check out the room where the shot was fired from by himself. Cops/fbi agents/secret service agents don't go anywhere to investigate things by themselves! That's why they have partners, because then you always have a witness. And as soon as they took the president to the hotel, I told my sister that that was where the first bomb was going to go off. Those kind of predictable things don't bother me, they make me feel smart, lol.


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