So I did it. I discontinued my Delphi Plus membership over on a Delphi forums. In doing so I won't lose me forums, BUT I will lose my mods, my color scheme and a number of other things about the forums. Not a big deal since both have been quiet and I spend very little time over there any more. However, I have moved one of them to LJ. Intuitively Speaking can now be found at
is_discussions and we will once more be talking about all things magickal, mystical and psychic.
Psychic, now there's a word with many bad connotations ^_^;;;
I bet you just got visions of some huckster with a crystal ball :P
No fluff, I promise. Discussion is the main focus of the community and if someone doesn't agree with a posted ideas, that's okay. It's the disagreements that make us think :) In this case, 'psychic' refers to mental abilities, be that intuition, empathy, dreams, working with tarot or what have you. Psychic also has a lot of cross over with Magick and with Mystical or religious experiences. So please don't' let the term scare you off.
If you want to join us, that's great, if you like what you see, please post a link in your LJ and tell your friends about us :)