Heee! Snagged from
My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
shinra_lackeys a-squeaking.11
aishuus a-dialing.10
harumis a-posting.9
maldoror_gws a-hooting.8
suviuss a-calling.7
murinaes a-twisting.6
kosaginolegions a-hollering.5 dark blue
rageprufrocks.4 typing
issen4s.3 Icelandic
kye_kestrels.2 dog
svz_insanitys.And a
xena_2001de in a grapefruit tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
Anyway, I'll have to say that I'll probably be quiet for this week and next as I'm prepping for my finals. And I still have to do major Christmas shopping on an extremely tight budget----I'm somehow still hoping I can knit something for the family!?
Other than that, watched the HP4 and it was awesome, really. All the guys were hot, all the girls were pretty (except Ginny annoys the heck out of me----she's like Hermione's pet shadow), and too bad there weren't enough dragon scenes! However, the theatre I went to wasn't the best quality and there were black spots on the upper right corner which got a bit distracting plus it was a tiny screen. Still, it is lower in price and there weren't as many crowds, so it wasn't bad at all.