Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is... Your Score:Average For All UsersAverage For All
( total) Dating7.69%32.93%Gone steady Self-Lovin'53.03%60.49%Master of your domain Shamelessness75.81%77.83%Has yet to see self in mirror Sex Drive59.52%75.45%A fool for love, but not always Straightness11.11%37.98%Knows the other body type like a map Gayness88.89%78.3%Repressed, are we? Dominant81.67%86.73%Afraid to cross at "Don't Walk" signs Submissive84.13%87.12%Submits to no one... almost Fucking Sick87.76%89.82%Refreshingly normal Total Score66.92%73.61%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)