My freedom: prompt Nineteen

Jul 31, 2008 22:14

Todays Blog Prompt says: "What do you do when you don't feel very creative or feel like you've hit a creative block? Share a few tips that help you get back to yourself.

This is quite difficult because I have always had something else to do. If I am writing and I get stuck I usually do the ironing. This is because ironing does not take masses of brain power and as long as you make sure you don't iron your fingers then you can do some serious thinking while getting all those shirts and pillowcases nice and crisp and smooth.

If I am making a costume for someone then they have usually seen something they like and they want me to try and "make that for me but change the skirt and the back". If there is no picture or drawing the I have books I can look at or I might go to the library and look at more books.

If I am to make a quilt then I usually have a picture in my head of what I want it to look like and all I need is some inspiration about stitching or types of fabric to use. There are books and the wonderful intarwebby to give me lots of things to think about.
If all that fails then I will practise free embroidery on some scraps of fabric or have a session on the embellishing machine so that I improve my technique - ah I do have a technique after all!

I also have friends I can talk to, mr and mrs Bluefunnel have the ability to see things objectively and talking with them very often makes things clear in my head. Pax Draconis has placed the unvarnished truth before me on more than one occasion and has re-awoken my creativity

So that's what I do when the muses desert me - well, not desert me but turn their attention to someone else for a while.
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