Jul 16, 2008 23:02
Today's blog prompt: "Choose one point on each line for your achievements and aspirations to share with your blog readers. One thing you have accomplished and one thing you hope to accomplish. bonus points if you have a photo from the event on the first line."
This is way way outside my comfort zone about what to display on this here intarweb. I have thought about this since a opened the email with the prompt and I just do not want to put my life in a timeline in a blog.
I have scrapbooks that go back around 40 years lined up on the shelf here and that effectively covers today's prompt. Perhaps I am being a bit uptight (there's a good 70s word for ya) about this but, well, that's my freedom of choice aint it?
As for aspirations and things to accomplish in the future yep, I'll not say those out loud either, just incase the Karma Pixies are listening and want a reason to stop swinging their legs while they sit on the wires behind the refridgerator.
I have had a frustrating day because the plumber didn't return as promised. Miss Em was awake at 4am because she has tonsillitis so by 8am when I got up her mother had run out of things to do and we had a tired fractious child with tonsillitis on our hands.
As is usual with sicky poorly children they want their mother and anyone else is just not good enough. My poor daughter was desperate for some sleep so she sneaked off upstairs to "wash my face and get dressed" while I found the painting aprons and paper and we had a go at some picasso style art. Miss Em is in her purple phase it seems. I don't remember my children being that good at circles when they were 3 and I don't remember them putting kisses on everything either. She drew a cat and I am not kidding when I say that it was recognisable as a cat curled up asleep. It had big googly eyes and a smile too but then so did the cheshire cat.
We had a bit of elevenses and then snuggled on the sofa to watch CeeBeeBies or however the heck you spell it. we both fell asleep and woke up at 3pm when mummy came down stairs. Tomorrow we go to the hospital with mummy to the fracture clinic. My daughter thinks she will have the present cast removed and her foot strapped - she will be disappointed. I think it will be at least another week before they think of changing the cast although they could make it a walking one - that will really upset her. she is so fed up with being stuck at home.
She says it is good that Miss Em had her tonsillitis this week because we are both here to look after her - er, who is doing all the trotting back and forth with drinks and medicines and food because mummy can't carry a darned thing because of the crutches? I am secretly enjoying it though because I do so enjoy their company. It could only be made better if Mr M was at home too. Unfortunately he is working these da***d shifts so he only gets to be at home in the daytime on weekends now and that's dreadful!
I will try to get pictures of the paintings we did today.