" Today's blog prmpt: Share an old photo of yourself and a current photoof yourself with your blog readers. Tell them a little something that has changed and a little that has stayed the same."
I wish I could do the hide it thingy
That's the old photograph
That's the new photograph
A little something that has changed - well 55 years of wear and tear have made me just about the same height but a lot wider. This is not a good day to be doing this because I am feeling very old and tired and grumpy and I have lost my objectivity.
Something that has stayed the same - I still love to read. I could already read when I started school. I had to learn because my dad would read me a story every night and he missed bits out. I knew this so I started memorising the words as he said them and then following the dots and squiggles in the book until suddenly they made sense. I could then keep one chapter ahead of dad and correct him when he missed bits.
I am always reading. I have at least two books on the go all the time sometimes more. I read while watching TV sometimes.