Jan 04, 2017 08:50
I'm sort of wondering if it's time to break up with Live Journal.
I really don't think The Russians give a flying sturgeon what this bitter, fat, middle aged working class American bitches about on her social media site. I don't think they worry about what I say or the whole 4 or 5 people who read what I say.
I also hate to loose the maybe 10% of stuff here from the last 10+ years that is NOT just me bitching about how I can't fix my life. I don't know if it's even possible to archive it on a disc. The only way I know to save it all is to print it to hard copy, and the crap is totally NOT that important. Truth is I probably only go back and read old posts when I'm in the mood for a little self flagellation.
But in light of the current political climate, and how fearful and paranoid everyone is, I do have to wonder if spilling my pedestrian guts all over Muscovite Servers is a good idea. Yes, I know the company has been solely owned by Russian interests for years. According to SOME sources though, having the servers now all physically IN Russia makes a difference in how 'visible' my corner of the Brilliant Darkness is to folks other than the ones I WANT to read it.
I have a friend who works in a postion that gives them some insight into the whole Russia/Trump/Putin Disaster. Maybe I'll ask their advice.